#Exploit Title: PullAndBear Reflected XSS Vulnerability
#Date: 24-07-2023
#Exploit Author: BQX ( ./Bertw_QX )
#Vendor Homepage: https://www.pullandbear.com/
#Category: Reflected XSS
#Tested On: Windows 10 - Google Chrome
The html codes written after the ?q= parameter are executed on the page.
Not: Because of waf, codes like alert don't work
err: Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "https://www.pullandbear.com/tr/erkek-n6228?q=" on this server.
Reference #18.7fc11302.1690229077.2415c6fa
#Telegram: @bqxsec
#Telegram Channel: t.me/zerotolerance_hack
#Instagram: @bqxsec
#Mail: bqxsec@gmail.com