VegaBird Yaazhini 2.0.2 DLL Hijacking

Credit: Iulian Florea
Risk: Medium
Local: Yes
Remote: No

==================================== CVE ID: CVE-2024-45873 Author: Iulian Florea Vendor: VegaBird Product: Vooki - Free Android APK & API Vulnerability Scanner(Yaazhini) Vulnerability Type: DLL Hijacking ==================================== ==================================== Summary ==================================== A DLL hijacking vulnerability in VegaBird Yaazhini 2.0.2 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code / maintain persistence via placing a crafted DLL file in the same directory as Yaazhini.exe. ==================================== Exploitation ==================================== By placing an arbitrary DLL (Example: dcomp.dll) within the application folder (C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Programs\Yaazhini) and opening the application (Yaazhini.exe) it can be noted that the DLL is being loaded. This can lead to persistence or in some cases to privilege escalation.

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