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IOBit Advanced System Care 15, iTop Screen Recorder 2.1, iTop VPN 3.2, Driver Booster 9, and iTop Screenshot sends HTTP requests in their update procedure in order to download a config file. After downloading the config file, the products will parse the HTTP location of the update from the file and will try to install the update automatically with ADMIN privileges. An attacker Intercepting this communication can supply the product a fake config file with malicious locations for the updates thus gaining a remote code execution on an endpoint.



The iTopVPNmini.exe component of iTop VPN 3.2 will try to connect to datastate_iTopVPN_Pipe_Server on a loop. An attacker that opened a named pipe with the same name can use it to gain the token of another user by listening for connections and abusing ImpersonateNamedPipeClient().


 >>> Vendor: Iobit 12 Products
Amc security- antivirus, clean
Amc security antivirus clean
Advanced systemcare ultimate
Malware fighter
Advanced systemcare
Smart defrag
Iobit unlocker
Itop vpn
Itop screenshot
Driver booster
Itop screen recorder
Advanced system care

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