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Use of Cryptographically Weak Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) vulnerability in Apache StreamPipes user self-registration and password recovery mechanism. This allows an attacker to guess the recovery token in a reasonable time and thereby to take over the attacked user's account. This issue affects Apache StreamPipes: from 0.69.0 through 0.93.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 0.95.0, which fixes the issue.

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Nextcloud server is an open source home cloud implementation. In affected versions the generated fallback password when creating a share was using a weak complexity random number generator, so when the sharer did not change it the password could be guessable to an attacker willing to brute force it. It is recommended that the Nextcloud Server is upgraded to 24.0.10 or 25.0.4. This issue only affects users who do not have a password policy enabled, so enabling a password policy is an effective mitigation for users unable to upgrade.

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Onedev is a self-hosted Git Server with CI/CD and Kanban. In versions prior to 7.9.12 the algorithm used to generate access token and password reset keys was not cryptographically secure. Existing normal users (or everyone if it allows self-registration) may exploit this to elevate privilege to obtain administrator permission. This issue is has been addressed in version 7.9.12. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

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Passeo is an open source python password generator. Versions prior to 1.0.5 rely on the python `random` library for random value selection. The python `random` library warns that it should not be used for security purposes due to its reliance on a non-cryptographically secure random number generator. As a result a motivated attacker may be able to guess generated passwords. This issue has been addressed in version 1.0.5. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

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SAP Customer Data Cloud (Gigya mobile app for Android) - version 7.4, uses insecure random number generator program which makes it easy for the attacker to predict future random numbers. This can lead to information disclosure and modification of certain user settings.

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SSH.NET is a Secure Shell (SSH) library for .NET. In versions 2020.0.0 and 2020.0.1, during an `X25519` key exchange, the client??�??�??s private key is generated with `System.Random`. `System.Random` is not a cryptographically secure random number generator, it must therefore not be used for cryptographic purposes. When establishing an SSH connection to a remote host, during the X25519 key exchange, the private key is generated with a weak random number generator whose seed can be brute forced. This allows an attacker who is able to eavesdrop on the communications to decrypt them. Version 2020.0.2 contains a patch for this issue. As a workaround, one may disable support for `curve25519-sha256` and `` key exchange algorithms.


Vendor: Apache
Software: Cloudstack

Apache CloudStack prior to used insecure random number generation for project invitation tokens. If a project invite is created based only on an email address, a random token is generated. An attacker with knowledge of the project ID and the fact that the invite is sent, could generate time deterministic tokens and brute force attempt to use them prior to the legitimate receiver accepting the invite. This feature is not enabled by default, the attacker is required to know or guess the project ID for the invite in addition to the invitation token, and the attacker would need to be an existing authorized user of CloudStack.


Vendor: Fortinet
Software: Fortiportal

The use of a cryptographically weak pseudo-random number generator in the password reset feature of FortiPortal before 6.0.6 may allow a remote unauthenticated attacker to predict parts of or the whole newly generated password within a given time frame.



Z-Wave devices from Sierra Designs (circa 2013) and Silicon Labs (using S0 security) may use a known, shared network key of all zeros, allowing an attacker within radio range to spoof Z-Wave traffic.


Vendor: Zulip
Software: Zulip

Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool. Zulip Server installs RabbitMQ for internal message passing. In versions of Zulip Server prior to 4.9, the initial installation (until first reboot, or restart of RabbitMQ) does not successfully limit the default ports which RabbitMQ opens; this includes port 25672, the RabbitMQ distribution port, which is used as a management port. RabbitMQ's default "cookie" which protects this port is generated using a weak PRNG, which limits the entropy of the password to at most 36 bits; in practicality, the seed for the randomizer is biased, resulting in approximately 20 bits of entropy. If other firewalls (at the OS or network level) do not protect port 25672, a remote attacker can brute-force the 20 bits of entropy in the "cookie" and leverage it for arbitrary execution of code as the rabbitmq user. They can also read all data which is sent through RabbitMQ, which includes all message traffic sent by users. Version 4.9 contains a patch for this vulnerability. As a workaround, ensure that firewalls prevent access to ports 5672 and 25672 from outside the Zulip server.



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